This was the "25th Film Scene Bavaria on Ice" 2023

For the 25th time, the Bavarian film scene met for the traditional curling tournament after the Munich Film Week.

In her welcoming speech, the managing director of FFF Bavaria, Dorothee Erpenstein, recalled the beginnings. The event was initiated by Lothar Just in his area of ​​responsibility for communications at FFF. Many of the partners who are still active today quickly came together to make this idea a reality.

ARRI, Bavaria Studios, Constantin Film, Leonine Studios, LfA Förderbank, ndf:neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft, TOBIS under the patronage of the FFF FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, in cooperation with adag payroll services, Black Forest Studios, cattleya, International Film Partners, Ludwig Kameraverleih, OneGate Media, Optical Art and Theaterkunst, invited people to a network classic on the ice, with the support of Hilton Hotels, Producer Alliance Services and VTFF.

Around 100 participants took advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and maintain contacts. In a project-oriented industry, these events are essential and cannot be compensated for by purely digital offerings.

Andrea Lambsdorff, Uschi Reich, Stefan Kampwirth, Friedrich Mücke and Fabian Wolfart were the convincing winners.

winning team Filmszene Bayern auf Eis