Co-Head of Entertainment LEONINE Studios, Managing Director at i&u TV and Madame Zheng Production

Nina Etspüler has been Head of Entertainment Development at LEONINE Studios since 2020. She was also appointed Co-Head of Entertainment at LEONINE and to the management of i&u TV and Madame Zheng Production. Nina Etspüler was most recently Group Creative Director of Red Arrow Studios for global format and material development as well as acquisitions and international market launches at Red Arrow Studios, a company of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE.
In the course of her career, she was involved in the development and international roll-out of several global format hits such as OLD PEOPLE'S HOME FOR 4 YEAR OLDS, KISS BANG LOVE, BUYING BLIND - DAS HAUSKAUF-EXPERIMENT and LOOK ME IN THE EYE. Before she produced CIRCUS HALLIGALLI and DAS DUELL UM DIE WELT with Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf at Florida Entertainment, Nina Etspüler was responsible for over ten years as an executive producer at ProSieben and Sat.1, including formats such as ELTON VS. SIMON, COMEDYSTREET and RENT A POCHER.
Image (c) Sina-Scherer