Only expectations can be disappointed. If you take this piece of wisdom to heart, the new year will be exciting and promising, as long as we keep our own expectations under control. After all, during the crisis, cinema has rediscovered a format that is suitable for audiences with the new " 150s ". Almost the entire industry has agreed on sustainability with the " Green Motion " initiative . Various qualification offers, in particular the " study programs for production management ", are systematically addressing the shortage of skilled workers. Financial policy ESG criteria support good corporate governance and sustainability through clear rules for access to capital. The networking events that are so important for the industry have clear rules and established digital alternatives. The contract market is booming. And with a negative test, you can stroll into 2022 in a good mood.
In the past, technical limitations often stood in the way of creative ideas. Overshadowed by the Corona and skilled labor crises, the fantastic technological developments of recent years could be overlooked. The close collaboration between camera and post-production , the many special solutions in post-production in general and also collaborative solutions in VFX open up Hollywood solutions for German budget classes. Digitalization solves challenges, especially in personnel management and accounting.
The multi-territorial offer of technical service providers at different locations with known quality standards and contact persons helps with flexible filming planning. Whereas in the past, funding offers were followed in particular, today Covid developments in individual regions can also be circumvented without changing service providers. The 50th anniversary of the broadcasting pension fund with constantly evolving additional benefits proves how long skilled workers have been valued .
"Luck is when chance meets preparation," says Marco Biedendorf (Ensider:Team). When the "100 Green Production" working group was formed as an initiative of the MFG, social sustainability was already an issue in Baden-Württemberg. "Green Motion" will certainly be appreciated by the new "green" Minister of State for Culture, Claudia Roth. What is more important, however, is that sustainability is now a societal requirement for all market participants, the development process of which is ultimately (only) reflected in the election result.
Sustainability and excellence are the core values of Ensider. In order to give our topics sufficient space, we communicate our own content and share interesting information on our LinkedIn channel and at International Film Partners . All events, news and offers can be accessed there. Our Ensider:Partners support many offers, our solution partners such as adag Payroll Services , BigHugFx , cattleya , Ludwig Kameraverleih , Optical Art , Pensionskasse Rundfunk and Theaterkunst offer free tickets for paid or exclusive events and stand for the best quality services in their segment.
Our resolutions this year are ambitious. We want to continue to expand our offering and align it with your wishes and needs. That's why we are expanding the partner network this year. We will also continue to expand English-language content in order to actively integrate our strong, international network into the community. A big thank you goes to FFF-Bayern , who supported us last year and thereby secured the conference offer.
We look forward to 2022, the 40th year of our company's history, with great confidence. With this in mind, we wish you all a happy new year.
Your Ensider:Team